Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Of Death, Cricket and an ASS who happens to be our college president...

The past few days have been quite eventful. Although its just been the usual routine, college and back home, things have picked up pace in the past two days. Day before yesterday I had a dream which quite alarmed me. Apart from the nature of the dream, it was the vividness of the dream itself which took me by surprise. The last time I had nightmares was when I was a kid. Since then I've had very pleasant ones- most of them funny and some of them downright wierd. They were fun though, I could think of them and laugh. More often than not however, I completely forgot about them once I woke up...
The dream I had that night began a little vaguely. After that I remember being chased by someone in a forest-like area. Somehow I knew I had done something wrong so I felt the person was completely justified in coming after me. I don't know how but the next moment I was in a cottage and this person(it was a woman) had a gun pointed at my face. Even then I didn't think she was doing anything wrong and I also knew I didn't have much time left. In reality I don't like inflicting pain on myself, I mean who does? but I do know that I would never want to be shot- the pain would be too unbearable. Somehow here though I simply waited for the shot to be fired and it was. I got wounded on my leg and fell to the ground at once. The scary thing was I could literally feel the life going out of me. I wanted it to end sooner and kept wishing the shot had been a fatal one. The person had left and I was alone in the cottage(it was dark). I hated the fact that there was nothing I can do...I think I was suffering for quite a while when the person came back (I think she was searching for someone). She obviously didn't expect me to be alive and as soon as I saw her I begged her to just shoot me again and this time she pointed the gun at my chest... I felt the bullets go into me (there were two, I think) and I remember involuntarily trying to put my hands across my chest but before I could feel the pain it was all over. The next minute I felt myself being raised and before I knew it the cottage was below me and that was when I woke up.
Frankly speaking, I really don't know what to make of it. It is said that dreams are basically the manifestation of your sub-conscious but I am sure I was no where close to thinking of my own death, I'm pretty sure. The next night I was actually a little scared of going to sleep lest it happen again but luckily I had quite a fun dream if I remember right- one which I cannot remember now. Thats what makes it all the more strange because this felt like it had really happened. After reading this I'm sure people are going to think I'm a freak- I assure you I am not. Maybe a little wonky in the head but no, not a freak.
Anyway, yesterday was a cricket match between India and Pakistan- which India won. Yay!! Whooo hoooooooooooooo!!! (You can call me a freak now if you want). Dipanwita and me were stuck in front of the JCR (Junior Common Room) in college the whole day till we left. It was loads of fun there because thats the only place in college which has a tv(for the students) so it was always packed. There was a sense of community- for lack of a better word, just cheering together everytime a wicket was taken and groaning everytime the opposition hit a four. Usually its just my dad and myself who are hooked in front of the tv so this was nice for a change. Luckily for him he was at the stadium watching it live- I'm never going to forgive him for not taking me...The worst part though was I missed the best part of the match- when Dhoni was hitting the Pakistani bowlers all over the park. When Kaif got out I couldn't bear to watch because in case another wicket was taken we would definitely have lost, so I switched to Friends. By the time I checked the score again it was certain we were going to win. Thus I have now decided that from now on I will watch the entire match even if we are playing badly because I don't want to regret missing anything.
Moving from cricket, today was Valentine's Day. For me however it was just another normal day. It's not like I don't believe in it but I've never had anyone to celebrate it with so it's nothing special for me. Anyway, all of us thought that our President, Maya John's antics were on the dwindle considering we're nearing the end of the year but STUPID A#$*# that she is she still hasn't lost her knack of getting under the skin of practically the entire student body. Rajeev Nair has a wierd sense of humour-all his students will vouch for that. Even I cringe at some of the jokes but that does not take away from the fact that he is a pretty good teacher, in my opinion at least. We're doing Lysistrata which is a greek play which has the women go on a sex-strike in order to bring about peace during the war so we kind of expected his sleazy jokes and had pretty much got used to it. The student's union are anyway considered a bunch of feminists but when he asked Ujjitra if a sex-strike would work in the case of the union he was just JOKING!!!!! Maya has the absolute nerve to call that an act of Sexual harassment for crying out loud. I mean what is her damn problem?? She wasn't even there and on top of it mentioning our class in her letter to the principal- which by now the entire college has read- is absolutely disgusting especially since we do NOT share any of her views beacuse we know that he himself probably doesn't believe half the things he says in class.
I really feel bad for Nair because he is being victimised for absolutely no reason. There is no need for him to give a public apology, as she demands. I mean, what is he supposed to apologise for? Who does Maya think she is? She accuses the whole college of being gender biased but she herself uses the gender card to get things done. How sick can a person get. If she was here right now I swear I would have slapped her right across her angelic little face and wrung her neck till she screamed. If she has problem with everything Stephen's does then she should have left the college a long time ago. Instead, I bet in the future she is going to use the Stephanian card to get a job or God knows what. I literally feel like kicking her out of college. She dosn't deserve to be president at all. I'm sorry but I have to let my frustration out AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHG#%$%^$^&(*&)&$@#$$#$$@$#ahh^&%&*
I really, really hope nothing happens to Nair. He doesn't need his career to be cut short because of an upstart dwarf who thinks she can get away with anything. It's upto us now to stop her in her tracks and put her in place. She thinks all the females in college are backing her but it's time we show her that she's living in a fool's paradise, the scum bag that she is $^$#&%#$


At 11:13 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly!

At 5:29 am , Blogger Books inc said...

Whoa. I for one am glad that my name's not maya :P

As for Valentine's day:

(Arun sent me this:

For all of us who are alone today...


At 9:46 am , Blogger Aruni Kashyap said...

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At 8:41 am , Blogger Aruni Kashyap said...

That was really shocking and also unexpected Trisha...!If you kill her,then at least that wont be treated as a sexist move!!..you should write about the later exciting episodes also!

At 3:04 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I think your scary dream sort of prepared you for the rage you felt (and very adequately expressed) over the last issue... except that this time, you were wielding the gun and weren't the victim. And what a gun!
More dream-college events interpretation coming soon.
watch this space.


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